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5 posts tagged with "modding"

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The Hearthstone Tavern project

· 20 min read


I've been over this on both this blog and on Twitter many times before. I'm a big fan of the Hearthstone Tavern model that Blizzard added back in 8.2.5. I even made thread in the community council about it. The model is great. It has an amazing atmosphere and is what I believe genuinely a work of art. However, it was never used.

More info on how the Tavern was supposed to be used in WoW can be found in an earlier blog post here.

I've been wanting to use it in some projects over the years, but I always run into the fact it has no exterior model. Granted, there is a good amount of mystery around the tavern (see the lore section later on) so it not having an exterior model isn't a huge surprise, but I wanted to take a stab at it anyways. This is largely going to be a learning project as I struggle my way through giving it an exterior. Come with me on with me on this journey and maybe we'll both learn something.

WoW Modding 103 - Zone design

· 13 min read

Making a zone from the ground up is hard, especially if you're doing it on your own. Thankfully, throughout the years Blizzard has given us various peeks at their zone design process (sometimes intentional and sometimes not). I wanted to write up this post to document what (to me) appears to be their process in the hopes some of it could be useful for artists wanting to make stuff or learn/take inspiration based on how Blizzard does it. I'm a huge fan of world building (specifically in the more literal sense like this) and all the steps that go into it, so expect a long post.

Note that while these steps are described one by one for readability, in reality these likely overlap a lot with multiple of them starting at the same time or being revisited throughout the process. I will try to show/link to examples of the things I mention in each part for the visual learners (like myself).


· 6 min read

As I've talked about before, I'm a sucker for passion. Recently through my efforts in trying to make WoW modding and specifically map making/world building more accessible, I've seen a lot of that. It's reaffirmed my beliefs of so many talented people being out there that simply haven't messed with it due to its lack of accessibility or it being so stuck in the past. It has also reinvigorated my spirit when it comes to the WoW modding community, as my previous experiences with it haven't been as positive as the ones I've been having recently.

The modern WoW modding Discord has been popping off a bit and is at almost 800 members, but with that it has also been bringing up some of my history with communities. This post with will largely be a rant about said history/sentiments with some minor plans/updates around WoW modding at the end and how I think it can be different compared to what came before it. Feel free to skip to the last 2 paragraphs for those plans/updates!

WoW Modding 101 - Intro

· 7 min read

I love modding games. I love WoW. Following that logic, I've been dipping my toes in WoW modding for a bit now and wanted to do a bit of an intro post on it. Many people won't be familiar with it (for obvious reasons we'll get into), but I still think it is pretty neat and has the ability to be even neater in the future.