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Passion & blog plans

· 5 min read

There is 1 thing I will always make time for; passion. People talking about their passion, making something that comes from a place of passion or otherwise trying to follow whatever they're passionate about.

I (and I'm sure many others) do almost everything based on passion, to a fault. I've talked about this before and how this can get out of hand, but it's been the thing that got me where I am today. Times are changing, though. I want to use this blog to talk about my passions and why I think it's important that we keep sharing and talking about our passions as much as possible.

This is going to be a quite long-winded post as I just need to get this off my chest, but it sets up what I hope I to use this blog for.

Reflection (the sequel)

· 12 min read

This is an import of the Reflection (2023) post I made on Google Docs for archival purposes.

1 year ago in December 2022, after collecting input on Twitter I posted this to reflect on changes I had gone through up to that year around datamining as well as to some of the reasoning why I made the changes I did. It was very therapeutic to write at the time so why not write a sequel? A lot of this is as a continuation of what I wrote last year, so you might want to read through that to get an idea of where I was at the time.


· 15 min read

This is an import of the Reflection (2022) post I made on Google Docs for archival purposes.

I wrote this document primarily for myself to reflect on the time I've spent working on WoW things by walking through them (or most of them) and my decision on throwing in the towel when it comes to public datamining and actively maintaining and supporting I ran a Twitter poll to see if people cared to see this document/properly write it out and 89% of 128 people wanted to, so here it is. I might still add things/change/clarify stuff over time, but I wanted to get this out before the end of the year. If I do update things I'll be sure to mention what/where.